New homes being built in Ongar will result in the bus stop and layby at the Four Wantz roundabout (code esxgapdg) being removed and replaced by an access road. With the land that is currently in the public realm potentially being included in the private development of Bowes Field (ONG R2).
A new bus stop without a layby is proposed further south, opposite the entrance of Great Stony Park.
Many residents have shared that this will result in the following for Ongar High Street:-
Increased traffic congestion as buses will stop on the main carriageway of the High Street – 49 buses are scheduled to stop per day, with 6 stopping between the hours of 7 – 8am. If each bus stops for just 2 minutes, it will lead to the High street being blocked for 20% of the time during the morning peak and a similar amount during the afternoon peak.
Degraded road safety as vehicles will attempt risky overtaking moves when buses are stopped. Being opposite the Great Stony Park entrance and in the proximity of an informal pedestrian crossing heightens this risk.
Increased pollution as vehicles will have to wait behind buses.
Damage to the setting of the Great Stony Park conservation area. The view out from the Great Stony Park access will be of a bus shelter instead of trees and bushes.
If you share these concerns for Ongar please sign the petition to ask Essex County Council Highways and Epping Forest District Council to reverse this decision and ask others who use Ongar High Street to do the same.